From: Arto Lahtinen (
Date: Tue 02 Dec 2003 - 12:06:43 EET
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Plan B - alternative planet�
13.12.2003 Ilokivi, Keskussairaalantie 2, Jyv�skyl�, 21-03 2 floors, tickets 3 euros, happy hour 21-22
upstairs > electro disco
DJ Bad Passion (Rikos Records)
Electric d.i.s.c.o tracks from late 70s to modern sounds
Naks (dA JoRMaS)
Toughest elektroletkutukset and fattest 808 beats
downstairs > rock pop grunge metal - Plan B DJs
PearlJam,BlindMelon,Mew,AliceInChains,TheStrokes,JeffBuckley,CMX, TheSmiths,Soundgarden,Kent,Radiohead,Travis,TheCure,YUP,Sparta, SmashingPumpkins,Suede,FooFighters,Oasis,Pulp,RedHotChiliPeppers, DepecheMode,QOTSA,22Pistepirkko,Verve,Idlewild,Liekki,MadSeason, TheCult,ManicStreetPreachers,Live,Gunsn'Roses,Bush,VanillaIce
Evening of peace, love, beer & music - Welcome!
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